We've been collecting titles for over 25 yearsSearch our database of over 26 million titles, with over 12 million active titles currently in circulation. New publishers and distributors come on board with us monthly, so our titles keep growing along with the industry. |
More than bibliographicIt's not just bibliographic info for millions of titles. Titlelink provides cover images, book descriptions, reviews, author bios, and book interiors, straight from the publisher. |
Keyword search, choose your sortYou can keyword search Titlelink with any information you like for a particular book, be it title, author, ISBN, subject, and publisher. Results that match your search will be sorted by your choice of forthcoming, sales rank, publication date, or title. |
Within the softwareTitlelink is seemelessly integrated in the Bookmanager software, and eliminates virtually all data entry for new, old, used, and remainder titles. When you perform stock searches, your own inventory levels and sales are given priority with the Titlelink information to help you make informed decisions when ordering. |
Available anywhereFor those working from home or not using the Bookmanager software, Titlelink can be accessed from this here site, bookmanager.com. |
Peer sharing puts you aheadUsing the on-hand, on-order, and sales reports that over 480 stores send into Bookmanager, you can see your search results organized by which books are the most relevant and popular. |