Sales & Marketing Data and Tools


We have collected sales and stock statistics from hundreds of stores to create tools that can help you optimize selling opportunities, as well as determine how your titles are performing in the independent marketplace.

Access + Description Catalogues Pubstock SMDATA SALESISBN
Create catalogues & lists, and share with select, or all stores.
Receive weekly (Mondays) "Best on the Shelf" email, with a link to Bookmanager’s national bestseller list.
My Publishers - Publisher & imprint tool
The Publishers you rep for are linked up here, and maintained on a regular basis – the stats you see are a direct result of the data here.
* only for SMDATA subscribers
My Accounts tool
When you are logged in as a rep with your company, you can link up to the accounts you sell to, so that you can request access to exchange data with them (see: account stats below).
* only for SMDATA subscribers
Peer ranked stats
This allows you to see (and export in XLS) overall OH, OO and sales information from the 260+ participating stores.

On all ISBNs you rep

On only a set of unique ISBNs
Account stats (on-hand, on-order, sales, returns) on all ISBNs linked up through the My Publishers tool
When you are logged in as a rep with your company, you have the ability to view overall stats for the ISBN’s you rep for (maintained through the My Publishers tool); you also can view 14-month inventory [sales, on hand, on order, returns] info for your accounts who have given you permission.
* only for SMDATA subscribers
Browse sales + marketing filter
The Sales & Marketing filter gives you the ability to quickly view JUST the titles you rep for. When used in combination with Bookmanager’s Ranked filters, you can easily view / generate lists for your accounts to optimize selling opportunities.
* only for SMDATA subscribers
Browse ranked filters: Top 10k, top 5k, popular, ranked future
Over 260 stores provide Bookmanager with daily on hand & on order quantities, as well as weekly sales info, which are used to build ranks for 200K active titles.
* only for SMDATA subscribers
Bestselling rank search sort
When you use Bookmanager’s main search box, your results are by default sorted by rank (based on Bookmanager’s collected store stats.) You can also switch your sort to Pubdate or Title.
Default sort is by Pubdate; only other sort is by Title. Default sort is by Pubdate; can also sort by Title, and Bestselling. Default sort is by Pubdate; only other sort is by Title.
View missing data reports
* only for SMDATA subscribers
Mark up catalogues & titles for enabled accounts
When you are logged in as a rep for you company, you can make markup notes on titles and catalogue lists for accounts you have linked up using the My Accounts tool.
* only for SMDATA subscribers
Receive weekly (Mondays) "Best on the Shelf" email, with national bestseller link mentioned above; and also, with a link to your company’s bestselling, forthcoming and recent releases (based on Bookmanager’s ranks & the ISBN’s your company has linked up via the My Publishers Tool).
* only for SMDATA subscribers
Browse publisher search box filter
The Publisher list and browse index is built and maintained by the My Publisher tool.
Browse supplier filter
The supplier filter is built from the Pubstock file, therefore only those with an active Pubstock subscription have the ability to utilize.
View Pubstock data
Bookmanager’s stock and availability tool, built with info from over 180 North American publishers, distributors and wholesalers. Compiled and released every 4 hours (starting at 12am PST).

For pricing or more information, please contact        250.763.4415