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Privacy Policy
All orders and payments made through the Bookmanager software or via a Webstore powered by Bookmanager are processed and stored locally at our user's software location (usually the business address) or in the form of asymmetrically encrypted (RSA) backup data in the physical possession of TBM Bookmanager Ltd. The decryption key to this data is known only to the store using Bookmanager and is not stored or recoverable by Bookmanager.
Our users may opt to use a third-party to process financial transactions, such as Paypal or a credit card processing service used in-store. Bookmanager does not process credit card transactions on behalf of our users. While we ensure that the connections to these services are properly secured, we have no control over how your information is stored or shared, and encourage you to view the privacy policies of these parties before engaging in any such transaction.
Personal Information
We collect and store our users' business information at their discretion. This information may include business address(es), personnel contacts and names, email addresses, phone numbers, and credit card information. We use RSA encryption for credit cards, 2048 bit, and the private key is blowfish-cbc encrypted.
Our users may opt to provide us with backups of their Bookmanager software and data. This backup data is in the form of asymmetrically encrypted (RSA) backup data in the physical possession of Bookmanager. This data may contain our users' customer data, including encrypted credit card and contact information. Bookmanager does not have access to decrypt this stored credit card information. We do not sell or provide any of our users' data to third parties, nor do we utilize our users' data for marketing or advertising purposes. Our users' backup data is stored for the purpose of recovering a user in the event of data loss, or to drive analytical tools available to our users.
We provide a consumer webstore, which our users can utilize to showcase and sell their products. This webstore has account and log in features that require consumers on the webstore provide select personal information. This information is encrypted and stored locally on Bookmanager servers. Our users may also choose to store this information locally on their Bookmanager software. We do not store credit card information on the webstore. We have no control over how our users store or share their customer information, and encourage you to view the privacy policies of these parties before engaging in any in-store or online activity with them.
Web Browsing
Webstores powered by Bookmanager do use cookies to allow users to remain logged in. We store access logs for up to a year, exclusively to debug issues. No analytics are performed on these logs and none of the information in logs is shared with anyone outside of the Bookmanager development team.
Although we have in the past used google services such as Google maps in order to provide certain features, we now go out of our way to avoid using services that could allow third parties (such as Google & Facebook) to track our users' customers, instead opting for privacy-friendly options like Open Street Maps. We have no control over whether a store wishes to add third party code to their own webstore that could involve tracking and data collection.